Alhamdulillah. The waiting is over. Alhamdulillah for my results. Alhamdulillah it is worth it enduring heartbreaks and pain in high school. I was really a sucker for straight As, so I could prove those people who have been belittling me, I can do it. My niat was wrong, I know. SPM is not everything afterall. Unilife will not be easy. I will have to start from zero again. Feeling? To be honest, i feel relieved, that was all. All along my waiting, i had always had the thought that i would not get what i wanted. Because of things i had done, because i wasnt that nice before. But seeing your bestfriends crying, is not a nice feeling. I feel terrible :( how can i be happy when my loved ones are not happy? Who should i share my happiness with? This sounds clice but that was really what I felt.... Alhamdulillah, Allah kat atas bagi rezeki lebih sikit. Tapi takut, what did I do to deserve this much rezeki. Banyak sangat rezeki. Alhamdulillah. Mama kata spm ni lagi satu ujian, ...