
Showing posts from December, 2015


Honestly, if you think I'm living a great life, you're wrong. Of course, some parts are good. Those are the parts I show to people, to you. You never know behind closed doors. You never know how much I regret some parts. You never know those dreams I haven't reached. You never know my disappointment. You never know those nights I cry wishing I had more. You never know what I went through to be where I am right now. Trust me, social media is just a facade. There's much more to me than what I let people see. This post is not for me to boast around. I dedicate this to some people (e.g. some juniors) who think I'm an inspiration (????). I am still working on myself. I am just the way you are. Work on yourself. Be a better version. Be yourself. Be the you, you are comfortable in. Be who you wanna be. And always alwayss alwaysss, be grateful. You will never feel enough until you are grateful. And [remember] when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful,...


Rants. I stayed awake thinking of things. And I thought of how ungrateful I had been all this time. I've never realized how blessed I have been. I receive more than I deserve and more than I give. God, forgive me for asking more than I thank You. God, thank you for my parents, for my family, for my friends and for myself. All I think about is what I do not have. I think of how wonderful others' lives are, that I forgot to enjoy my own life. I have been blind. For one moment, look around you and look at those people around you, without comparing yours to others. Look at what you have. Being grateful is not having to compare your life to others. If you think some are having greater than you, you need to know that everyone is fighting their own battle. You never know behind closed doors. And I realize all this dunya can never fill the void I feel inside. I will never have enough money, enough clothes, enough bags. Cars will never be fast enough. Home will never be big eno...