For as long as he lives he shall be damned

If you happen to settle down with someone one day, I hope you'll have beautiful daughter(s). I hope you'll deeply love and genuinely care for your little girls. You'll be around her as she grows up. And then you send her off to school. And she meets boys. I hope one day you'll watch your little girl slamming her door, not coming out of her room for days. I hope you'll be there to see her finally coming out with swollen eyes and when you ask her what's wrong she'll tell you it's nothing. I hope you'll care enough to check her room and find the pills she chokes herself to sleep just because everything she feels is so overwhelming. I hope when that day comes, you know you have no one to blame but yourself. Because you are one of those boys. And I'm a firm believer that the world is fair and what goes around always comes around.

Update: I wrote this when I was all emotional. I don't wish this to happen to you.. or anyone. I don't hold grudges. Whatever had happened, I deserve it. And whatever had happened, it was meant to happen that way. Better things ahead.
