
Showing posts from January, 2017

A letter to my own self

I'm sorry that I thought love could fix everything. I'm sorry that I replied to his "hi" years ago. I'm sorry I let myself talk to him everyday. I'm sorry I became attached to him. I'm sorry for the time I decided he deserved a chance. I'm sorry for the time I cared for his wellbeing. I'm sorry for putting effort.  I'm sorry I forgave him the first time he hurt me. I'm sorry I sacrificed my sleep for him and I'm sorry I still do that now, except it's for crying. I'm sorry I let him become my happiness. I'm sorry I trusted his "I won't leave you". I'm sorry I thought his love was real. I'm sorry I chose to believe in him even after he said "we need some time off each other". I'm sorry I accepted him every time he came. I'm sorry for thinking he's still the old boy I loved so deeply when he's not that same person anymore.  I'm sorry I actually waited. I'm sorry I didn...


Anything you're facing, it will pass. You will find the courage to move forward. Because life is an infinite journey. It's about choosing something and going for it. And then choosing something and going for it again. It hurts, it will always hurt a little, betrayal does. But to be better, to cure yourself, you have to forgive yourself. You have to be at peace with yourself.
The way you talked obscenely about her to your friends, how you downgraded her, how you made her feel so worthless, those words will haunt her forever. You absolutely destroyed her. It hurt her a lot but she would learn and grow from it. She would come out stronger and wiser, she would be happier than she ever was with you. I hope you won't choke on your own words. When things don't go your way, when you're at your lowest, don't find her. When you come across things that remind you of her, or the place you used to go together, don't find her. When you find someone else and the things she does remind you of her, or this someone turns out to be different, don't come back and find her. Don't find me. Because from now on, there shall be no turning back. Thank you for showing me your true colours, I won't try to paint a different picture.

For as long as he lives he shall be damned

If you happen to settle down with someone one day, I hope you'll have beautiful daughter(s). I hope you'll deeply love and genuinely care for your little girls. You'll be around her as she grows up. And then you send her off to school. And she meets boys. I hope one day you'll watch your little girl slamming her door, not coming out of her room for days. I hope you'll be there to see her finally coming out with swollen eyes and when you ask her what's wrong she'll tell you it's nothing. I hope you'll care enough to check her room and find the pills she chokes herself to sleep just because everything she feels is so overwhelming. I hope when that day comes, you know you have no one to blame but yourself. Because you are one of those boys. And I'm a firm believer that the world is fair and what goes around always comes around. Update: I wrote this when I was all emotional. I don't wish this to happen to you.. or anyone. I don't hold grud...


To all the heartbreakers I've known before, I hope you'll meet her, the one that makes your heart flutter. I hope you'll meet someone that makes you happy enough to stay. I hope you'll feel content and know the joy of loving someone. I hope when you shower her with all your love, she gets up and leaves.