
Showing posts from August, 2013


"Whenever you feel sad just remember that there are billions of cells in your body and all they care about is you"


Got my exam papers. And my marks are damn bad. The only improvement is, I got A for Add Maths. That's all. I wanna go home T.T Homesick is striking me again. Sigh


I didn't do well in the exam. I am scared. I only studied a bit. I didnt get A for Chemistry. Biology is also bad, I guess. Physics was a disaster. The mark for Modern Maths also has gone down. I just hope English mark wouldnt let me down. Geez. Whadaheck is happenin to me. I have been so lazy la. I need to change. I think I am lack of motivation???????? I just don't know. The bwp stuffs do not affect my results pun. It is just the lazy me! GAHHHHHHHHHH.


So many thing I wish I am, I wish I could have,  Yes, so many things. But let us take a moment to be grateful and say Alhamdulillah for those we already got. The blessings, if you count, never will be able to count them. Just a note to myself to always be grateful.    May Allah bless :)


Happy Eid everyone. Maaf Zahir & Batin. Have a great one (:




Is it a selfish thing To want Forever


The most tiring day I've ever gone through so far in 2013. Haha.


No judging on one's past. Because it might be YOUR future.


I miss them. I seriously miss them. I miss how everything used to be. Get me back to be with them please?! God I'm crying of missing them.